"A Boy Named Liam"
There once was a boy named Liam
Surely you must know ‘em
He may be a little shy at first
But, it won’t take long
before that’s reversed
He is kind to all
Big and small
Bumpy or slimy
Furry or shiny
Young or old
Silver or gold
English, Polish, Spanish
He’ll play with you
He will not banish
He’s as smart as can be
Knew his A,B,C’S before he was three
But, don’t say the word “school”
For he’ll run like a fool
“No bookwork for me!
Let me just be free!
I don’t want to do school!
All I want is to swim in the pool!”
Sanity unraveler
Obnoxious noise maker
Have you seen his drawings?
They pile to the ceilings
How about his stop motions?
Their sure to cause a commotion
Reptiles, insects, birds or mammals
He can tame all kinds of animals
He covers the floor with Legos
Mountains as high as the windows
His collection just grows and grows
You can never have enough I suppose
He prefers reading a book
Over helping mom cook
He’s a loving big brother
Making proud his father and mother
He sings as sweet as a bird
To think otherwise would be absurd
He has Jesus in his heart
And that’s a really great start
To have a life of peace and joy
It’s a gift to know that as a boy
Always laughin’
Always smilin’
Always ninja stylin’
There once was a boy named Liam
Once you meet ‘em, you won’t forget ‘em
(Written for his 10th Birthday)
This is Liam to a "T" !! Love it!😋