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New Podcast!

Writer's picture: Courtney CampbellCourtney Campbell

Updated: Jun 10, 2024

We have some news! We launched our own podcast over the weekend. Eeeek! Seeing it on Spotify was one of our most surreal moments yet.

The tug of war between being reclusive from society or to start stepping out more has been real. When you start to put yourself out into the internet world more, you are essentially saying that you are willing to subject yourself to all kinds of criticism, bullying, threats, and creeps. Should those things be reasons to stay hidden? Though those reasons are legit, when you are one who does her best to not operate in fear, the answer to that question is a big fat NO.

Am I nervous? Yes! But my reason for that might not be what you think. What I am most nervous about as we step into the public eye more is misrepresenting my King. When you proclaim that you follow Jesus to the world, an invisible spotlight appears. I take seriously the words and actions that come out of my mouth and even still, I fall short far too often.

One day, I will stand before God. That is a very sobering thought for me. How did I use the time, gifts, and resources that He has given me while I was on earth? How did I treat those He placed in my path, in person and online? How did I love the ones I spent more of my time with; my husband and children?

There are SOOO many voices in this world. Do we really want to be another one of them? And some really GREAT voices. Do we really need to speak, too? There is also a lot of deception in this world. When I think of that side of it, I feel the immediate drive to be a light in the dark.

The Lord has moved mountains to get us to the exact place we are: state, job, and house. If we don’t move forward in what we believe God is calling us to do, we have to live with the fact that we are being disobedient to the creator of the universe. He has brought us together as husband and wife to accomplish more than for the purpose of procreating.

Ralph and I have a story and it needs to be shared. God has put us together with these gifts and quirky personalities for this time in history. We cannot waste them.

This is another step in our faith journey. In fact, it was Ralph who first talked about starting a podcast! I am so proud of my introverted husband for choosing to listen to the ONLY voice that we both strive to hear.

So what is going to be on the podcast? Take a quick look or listen and see for yourselves. And thank you for your grace as we work through the initial awkwardness of recording ourselves! If you haven’t already signed up to be updated on the latest with Simply Campbell, don’t wait! God has done some cool things and we want you to hear about it all!


Podcast will be available to watch and listen on the following:

1. Watch or listen directly on our website:

2. Watch on youtube (and please subscribe if you haven't already!

3. Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music/Audible, Player FM, iheartradio

Thank you for joining us on this faith journey. We are looking forward to seeing what God continues to do through us and we pray you feel the same way!


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Designed and Produced by Courtney Campbell
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